May 3, 2020

Dear Canterbury Residents, Family Members, Trustees and Community Partners,

I wanted to make you aware that we have a resident in our nursing home that is exhibiting symptoms that could be COVID-19 related.  This resident resides in a double occupancy apartment within our nursing home. Our Medical Director has ordered COVID-19 tests for both the resident with symptoms and for the other resident within the apartment due to the potential exposure.  We hope to have those tests administered tomorrow. We are identifying all staff and residents that may have been in direct contact with the resident.  Anyone who had direct contact while they were exhibiting symptoms or up to 5 days prior to the onset of symptoms will be tested. Direct contact is defined as closer than 6 feet apart for more than 10 minutes. We expect it will take 3-5 business days for us to receive results of these tests.

We will be following our COVID-19 policies and protocols, a copy of which can be found on our website at  Until we receive the test results, all staff who have been in direct contact with the resident will be allowed to work but will be monitored closely for symptoms for 14 days.  All staff working on our healthcare floor wear KN95 masks. All other staff wear either a KN95 mask or cloth mask depending on the nature of their position. Staff working with the resident will wear full PPE in addition to the KN95 mask.  If we receive a positive diagnosis for the resident, any staff who were in direct contact with them will be required to self-quarantine at their home for 14 days from their last date of contact. Any staff person who tests positive will not be allowed to return to work until they receive two negative tests 24 hours apart.

All staff and vendors in the building continue to be monitored for temperature and symptoms before coming inside.  Anyone experiencing symptoms or a temperature of 100.00 or higher is not allowed in the building.

We will continue to keep you informed of any additional potential cases as well as the results of these tests once received.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at 470.381.6790 or



Debi McNeil
President & CEO