January 11, 2021

Dear Canterbury Residents, Employees, Family Members, Trustees, and Community Partners,

We had a very successful vaccine clinic today with close to 300 individuals receiving their first dose of the vaccine.  Our second clinic is scheduled on February 1st. Individuals not receiving their first dose today will have the opportunity to receive their first does on February 1st and the second dose on February 22nd.

Unfortunately, we do have three additional positive Covid-19 cases to report today, 2 staff members, one of whom works on our second floor, and 1 independent living resident. No one is experiencing any symptoms at this time.  We are working with the Independent Living resident to identify individuals they were in close contact with so they can quarantine.  We currently have 4 active cases of Covid-19 in the community, 3 staff members and 1 resident.

Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, we have had a total of 64 cases of Covid-19, 20 residents, 40 staff members, and 4 contractors. Of the 20 resident cases, 8 cases were in independent living, 3 were in personal care (third floor) and 9 were in the nursing pavilion (second floor). We have not tracked cases with private duty caregivers hired by residents.  There have been 4 resident deaths in our community where the resident had a positive Covid diagnosis at the time of their death.  

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at 470.381.6790 or, Julie Parker, Chief Operating Officer, at 404.201.7067 or, or Liz Woltzen, Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, at 404.231.8269 or


Debi McNeil

President & CEO