September 14, 2020

Dear Canterbury Residents, Employees, Family Members, Trustees, and Community Partners,

It has been a few weeks since our last communication. Unfortunately, we did receive news today that an employee who works in our Healthcare department has tested positive for Covid-19.  The employee began experiencing symptoms over the weekend and was able to receive a rapid result test this morning.  The employee had been tested for Covid-19 on Monday, September 7th and had tested negative.

Per CDC protocols, we are identifying all individuals that were in direct contact with this employee (closer than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes) up to 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms and following our quarantine protocols as appropriate.  A copy of our Covid-19 policies and protocols is available on our website.

Our Healthcare employees continue to be tested for Covid-19 on a weekly basis and all other Canterbury staff are tested monthly.  The monthly testing is taking place this week.  We will notify you of any positive results we receive for any of our employees, outside caregivers, contractors, or community partners.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at 470.381.6790 or or Julie Parker, Chief Operating Officer, at 404.201.7067 or


Debi McNeil
President & CEO